Automating Compliance: the Agristo and Bambino Mio Way
Frequently asked questions
All your questions answered by our speakers and C4T experts!
Answer from Stefanie (Agristo): Our IPR follows the IPR of our supplier, so the calculation of yield from raw oil to processed/refined oil is with them.
Answer from Stefanie (Agristo): Our haulier doesn’t have access to CAS, but they do have access to the Jira portal, so that’s how communication is managed. They communicate with Customs4trade and our internal colleagues through the Jira portal.
Answer from Stefanie (Agristo): We use the data from our ERP system (SAP) and send it in a digital way to CAS. We don’t use Excel files, but use a digital connection with a middle platform/operating system between SAP and CAS, so that we are flexible if we need to give more data to CAS then we have in our ERP system.
Answer from Rob (Bambino Mio): We use the major hauliers. It would be difficult with fast distribution providers, since you want them to use your data and EAD which adds on more complications.
Answer from Stefanie (Agristo): For exports, we don’t use fast or express deliveries. We only use it when we send samples, but this is not through CAS.
CAS is connected in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Belgium. Next to these, we support some specific flows in Poland, Switzerland and France.