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Automate compliance: now or never?

Future-proof your customs operations



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Webinar Slides

Automate compliance: now or never? Download the webinar slides.


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Insourcing customs

Customer story: how CAS has automated customs management.


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Self-filing vs representation

Discover the cost comparison of using a customs intermediary versus a digital software solution like CAS.


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Customer story: Aldi

Read how Aldi were able to provide visibility and automation across their supply chain. Saving time without sacrificing quality. 


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Customer story: Radium Foam

Seamless compliant customs declarations implemented in record quick time.


Read Honda's Customer story

Customer story: Honda

Read how Honda gained full visibility of customs and trade data with a fully automated insourced declaration process.


Read Honda's Customer story

Customer story: Yakima Chief

Yakima Chief was using agents and customs brokers to lodge declarations on their behalf. To maintain their commitment to customer service, Yakima Chief felt it was time to move on to the digital era.


Read the customer story

Webinar Slides

Automate compliance: now or never? Download the webinar slides.


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Insourcing customs

Customer story: how CAS has automated customs management.


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Self-filing vs representation

Discover the cost comparison of using a customs intermediary versus a digital software solution like CAS.


download whitepaper

Customer story: Aldi

Read how Aldi were able to provide visibility and automation across their supply chain. Saving time without sacrificing quality. 


Read the customer story

Customer story: Radium Foam

Seamless compliant customs declarations implemented in record quick time.


Read Honda's Customer story

Customer story: Honda

Read how Honda gained full visibility of customs and trade data with a fully automated insourced declaration process.


Read Honda's Customer story

Customer story: Yakima Chief

Yakima Chief was using agents and customs brokers to lodge declarations on their behalf. To maintain their commitment to customer service, Yakima Chief felt it was time to move on to the digital era.


Read the customer story

Frequently asked questions

All your questions answered by our speakers and C4T experts!

What’s the cost of the software?

The CAS subscription cost depends on the number of declarations and whether you use Special Procedures or not.
As a rule of thumb, you save around 50%, so if you spend 100K now you can save 50K per year. With the details you could provide us, we can send you more information for your specific case. Our subscription model is a SaaS model and contact for at least 3 years.

What happens when data is not transferred correctly?

If data is not transferred correctly, there are 2 options. If it’s blocked when you ingest it, there is a backup system called death letters that is being monitored by our 3rd line support and they will then alert our Customer Support team to inform the customer. There will also be a message sent to be sure you are alerted.

If the data comes through but there is a data element missing, CAS has built-in validation errors that will generate an alert. With these alerts, you will be notified to correct the data before it gets submitted to the respective customs authorities.

We also provide Support Services at a cost for companies that don’t want to touch the solution, and then the services team can help you solve errors (proactively).

How does CAS deal with customers when they do not have enough details for the data to be uploaded through the ingestion process into CAS?

We can add a lot of data elements in our configuration (in our decision tables). The data that is on a sales order or an invoice is enough for us. For some customers, the warehouse operator enters some data and is basically the one who creates the declaration. Because our system is agnostic and configurable, we can add a lot of information via our Master Data and decision tables.

For example, if you send in your sales order for goods that are sent out of a bonded warehouse, you don’t have to give all the additional documents that are needed for a bonded warehouse. We will add automatically the C517 documents and the Y documents that are needed for specific commodity codes. Even for customs valuation, depending on your incoterms we can calculate the customs value of your goods.

In which countries can you use CAS to file customs declarations directly?

CAS is connected in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Belgium. Next to these, we support some specific flows in Poland, Germany and France. 

Do you need to build connections with the export invoicing system and other logistic tools from exporters? Or do you have an OCR which reads the data to make the export declaration?

From a product point of view if you’re creating exports and using PDFs from suppliers for that data, CAS doesn’t currently have an OCR for scanning documents. The idea of transforming and automating the customs process is to move away from those old ways of having forms and PDFs. Unfortunately some people cannot move away from these old ways, but then an alternative is the Excel template that can be completed and used to upload data in the system.

Is it possible to connect to existing ERP systems to retrieve the necessary information for the declaration?

Absolutely, with our APIs the connection between CAS and your ERP system can be easily established.

If we are using air freight with a courier instead of road freight, how do we notify the courier that we have already cleared the goods?

Most air freight services provide a customs filing service, however, the customer can select to complete their own customs formalities. For example, with FedEx you would select Broker Select or equivalent in their shipping manager and provide the declarant details.

What authorisations do we need to apply for in Germany in order to be able to use CAS and raise export declarations without the driver having to present goods to the local customs office and activate the export declarations?

In order to file a German export declaration with CAS no explicit authorisation is needed. The only thing you will need is an EORI number. To be able to file an export declaration without presenting the goods at the local customs office, you will need to obtain the approved exporter (zugelassener Ausführer) authorisation from German customs.