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Don't stress about DMS; let technology do the rest




Webinar Slides

Don't stress about DMS. Download the slides from the webinar 


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DMS Insider Guide

Everything you need to know about the change from AGS to DMS


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DMS Checklist

Five steps to prepare you for DMS and the December 2023 deadline


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Radium Foam

Discover how Radium Foam became the fastest customer onboarded in C4T history


Read the full customer story

DMS Infographic

Compare the old and new process in an easy-to-digest infographic



Webinar Slides

Don't stress about DMS. Download the slides from the webinar 


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DMS Insider Guide

Everything you need to know about the change from AGS to DMS


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DMS Checklist

Five steps to prepare you for DMS and the December 2023 deadline


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Radium Foam

Discover how Radium Foam became the fastest customer onboarded in C4T history


Read the full customer story

DMS Infographic

Compare the old and new process in an easy-to-digest infographic



Frequently asked questions

All your questions answered by our speakers and C4T experts!

Could you please give some information about the differences between IDMS and DMS? I know that the Netherlands will implement DMS; however, Belgium will use IDMS, and I am curious to know what is the difference between those two systems, if any.

One of the major differences is that IDMS in Belgium is only for imports, and DMS is for both imports and exports. Belgium created two systems one for export and one for import. Another difference is that the Netherlands has a specific chain procedure which is not available in Belgium, but Belgium has e-globalisation. However, there are many similarities, and both systems use the UCC data model.

In group 4 value information, is additional info such as freight, insurance, royalties, and design not required?

It is required if it is applicable. If there is any freight which needs to be added to the customs value, it does need to be reported. Additions and deductions are new data elements in the UCC and depending on incoterms you may need to include freight, insurance and royalties.

Will there be a layout for declarations on an EU level, or how should we be thinking differently?

The EU data model is the EU layout. However, we have 27 member states, 27 customs authorisations and 27 declaration handling systems. Until there is a harmonisation into customs declaration resulting in one declaration system being offered by the EU tax department there will always be a difference. Centralised clearance should come up with one solution, but we don't know if centralised clearance will be introduced during this Union Customs Code period. Every system is under time stress, and it may be that the introduction of centralised clearance might be the change for implementing all the other systems, so it may not be introduced before 2030 when the new customs code will be introduced.

Can you elaborate on the changes of single document SAD (boxes) into the Annex B data set?

You can't! There is no relation anymore. As discussed earlier the boxes have been replaced by data elements. 

What is the main concern you're hearing from your customer base with regards to the transition to DMS?

The topic keeps on coming back from every side, and it is still not 100% clear to me how a customs declaration is going to look in the future with the distinction into data groups and elements instead of SAD boxes. Also, the timelines have been confusing and up for change over the course of the last couple of months.

What goods are excluded from the chain procedure, and how to handle in DMS 4.1?

The list has been published as to which goods are excluded from chain procedure. You need to think about how you will handle them. If you compare DMS 4.0 and 4.1, then those that are excluded from 4.0 for those you need to do real-time declarations at the moment. An example could be goods that if you have bags that are crocodile leather for which you need an import licence, those are excluded from the chain procedure and you will need to custom clear upon arrival at your bonded warehouse.

What are the most important differences between AGS and DMS?

- New and changed data requirements

- Traders must make a choice between the procedures they follow and how to file their declarations

- The mindset has to change when we look into globalisation, where we had the monthly globalisation period, this has now changed to a day.

What will be the day to day impact on a declarant?

There will be a lot more data to provide to customs authorities that declarants are not used to providing today. This will require internal readjustment of the ERP systems that they are having in order to ensure that the data is provided, but also properly split up.

Has C4T's expertise in European countries made it easier to transition to DMS, aligning to the UCC standards?

Our solution, including data model, has been built on the UCC standards from the start, and those standards are the ones that we use for other country connections. That's why we were able to adjust to the DMS (data) requirements in a very agile way.

Would DMS be the equivalent of CDS in the UK, and would it be the same data elements?

There are a lot of similarities between both transition from AGS to DMS and CHIEF to CDS. The data model and thus data elements are both based on the UCC, so are extremely similar apart from some small local differences.

Which (new) data elements will be required in DMS customs declarations?

Dutch customs published a table including all elements needed for each separate type of declaration. In here you will see that in some declarations instead of having around 20 to 30 boxes to be filled out, now it could be that around 90-100 data elements have to be filled out. Bear in mind that this is not all new data, it is just that certain boxes have been split up and just a couple of new elements have been added.

A customer is looking to set up a NL freight forwarding business encompassing customs clearance etc.  What are the necessary steps you would advise? Customer will need software, VAT registration etc.

We have created a checklist to prepare for DMS that you can download on this page, so we would advise checking that one as a reference to get prepared.  DMS Checklist

I have been able to view DMS in our own declarations software recently and have received the new explanations of the Single Administrative Document from customs. Do declarants need additional training? The explanations of the SAD looks complex.

There is indeed a new SAD explanatory document, in which it's being explained how the completion of the Single Administrative Document is changing. We would recommend following an additional training from the overarching organisations or investigate which external organisation is giving these kinds of trainings. It's important to know that the 'translation' from the SAD boxes to data elements needs to be made. As soon as this is clear, it becomes a lot easier to file a declaration.

We import into NL using our NL EORI and VAT number via a number of customs clearing agents (indirect representation) but am interested to understand how DMS will affect the clearing instructions we give to them and the paperwork we will get back from them

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