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The PaperLess Journey from PLDA to IDMS/AES




Webinar Slides

The PaperLess Journey from PLDA to IDMS/AES. Download the slides from the webinar.

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Learn about the EU Multi-Annual Strategic Plan for electronic Customs (MASP-C) sets forth a plan to replace paper-based customs procedures in all Member States by 2025.

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Self-filing vs Representation

Navigating the complexities of customs declarations? Download our whitepaper to discover the cost comparison of using a customs intermediary versus a digital software solution like CAS.

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Webinar Slides

The PaperLess Journey from PLDA to IDMS/AES. Download the slides from the webinar.

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Radium Foam

Discover how Radium Foam became the fastest customer onboarded in C4T history.

Read the full customer story


Learn about the EU Multi-Annual Strategic Plan for electronic Customs (MASP-C) sets forth a plan to replace paper-based customs procedures in all Member States by 2025.

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Self-filing vs Representation

Navigating the complexities of customs declarations? Download our whitepaper to discover the cost comparison of using a customs intermediary versus a digital software solution like CAS.

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Frequently asked questions

All your questions answered by our speakers and C4T experts!

Can the terms AES, AIS, EDMS, and IDMS be explained?

AIS = Automated Import System – doesn’t exist in Belgium 

AES = Automated Export System = EDMS 

IDMS or EDMS = Import (I) or Export (E) Declaration Management System

Is there any change in liability between the importer/exporter and the customs broker in IDMS?

The same representation types are carried forward to the new system, so there is no change in liability. 

Will there be a fixed PDF layout of the customs dataset based on annex B?

Belgian customs have not published a PDF layout as the new system is paperless. 

Could you list the countries that are covered by C4T?

Our software, CAS, supports customs declarations in Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK and Ireland.

What are the deadlines or expectations about the timing?

We are working towards the current deadlines: 

1. Deadline IDMS: 31 December 2023 

2. Deadline EDMS: 30 September 2023 – with the remark that customs applied to postpone this deadline  

More information:  

Is Belgium working towards the proposed greater EU customs integration, or do they see any issues with is?

Belgium customs authorities have not engaged any software supply regarding the proposed greater EU customs integration. 

What is the impact or change to existing CAS flows and processes?

Since CAS already used the WCO/EUCDM data model, the impact on our current customers will be limited. An example is the additions and deductions that already exist in CAS for a while. 

Our approach to country migrations reduces the impact on the existing CAS flow and processes to a minimum. Customers are guided through a migration plan by our project managers to make everything run seamlessly. 

Are the new data sets already available so we can perform a gap analysis between the current data and the newly required data set?

A lot has been published by the Belgian customs authorities, all new data sets are documented for IDMS and AES.  

Information can be retrieved on the Belgian customs authorities website: 



Is it correct that globalisation in IDMS is not required before the implementation of Centralised Clearance in BE?

The details of Customs Clearance are not know yet, since Customs Clearance will be part of a later phase. 

Is e-globalisation also in scope?

E-globalisation is still mandatory. For the moment, that will stay in place in PLDA, and it will be part of a later phase of the migration.  

Which countries in the EU are already using this standardised customs data?

Every country in the EU is either already using it or is in the process of migrating. This is part of the MASP plan, an EU-wide plan for digitising customs. Even the UK, which is no longer part of the Union uses the EU Customs Data Model. 

What if an EORI number is not available for the client? What identification number should they use?

It depends which party of the declaration is concerned. It’s possible that there is no identification number, or that the VAT number needs to be used, but it’s also possible that the EORI number doesn’t need to be provided. For example for an export declaration, the importer doesn’t have to have an EORI number, but the declarant/exporter itself needs to have an EORI number mentioned. 

Will the PLDA web application change also into IDMS/EDMS?

Yes, it should also be replaced, similar to the B2B applications. There will probably be a new URL, but no information is available as of yet. 

Are the deadlines realistic? Do you foresee any further delays from BE customs?

There rumours are that the EDMS deadline will be delayed, but until we hear otherwise from the Belgian customs authorities, we should work towards the deadlines that are currently known: 

1. Deadline EDMS: 30 September 2023 

2. Deadline IDMS: 31 December 2023 

The UNLOCODE for export, should it be the location of where the goods leave the EU or the end destination?

It's the location where the goods can be inspected by the customs authorities. 

Do you have an overview of the go-live dates of the new customs systems throughout the EU and would you be able to share?

Information on the go-live dates of all EU systems part of MASP can be found here:  

Is there a document or link available with as much information possible about these changes?
Could you please tell me how the new system will handle the 'open export' issue, where the export declaration sometimes is not closed at the system (meaning goods are treated as not left the EU)?

There will be an additional message that will be sent by AES/EDMS after 30 days if there is no exit confirmation by then. Based on that message you can provide an answer and provide additional proof to prove that the goods actually left the EU. 

A declarant/exporter can choose to send in only an export document or an export document combined with an Exit Summary Declaration. Is the EXS the obligation of the carrier or the declarant/exporter?

The carrier is responsible for the Exit Summary Declaration. If the declaration is combined, the carrier is still responsible that the declarant includes that information in the declaration. 

The SAD will no longer be available. Does BE customs have something else in place?

Belgian customs authorities did not foresee something as it doesn’t have a use for them anymore, but software providers can provide you with a print that can be used. This is also different per country, e.g. in the UK the software providers came up with a new standard for a printable document.

Is there a hard cut, or will IDMS and PLDA run simultaneously?

It’s a hard cut on the mentioned deadlines. First EDMS will go live and afterwards IDMS, where PLDA will be replaced. 

Is C4T/CAS ready for these changes? Can you elaborate on the current situation?

We are working hard towards the deadlines, with the limitations we have. These limitations are that the test system has only been available for 2 weeks and is only supporting very limited scenarios. 

Is there any update on when the customs testing system will go live?

Both test systems, for import and export, are live now but currently only support very limited scenarios. Belgian customs mentioned they will release new possibilities for testing every two weeks. 

One of the last slides mentioned that a number/character would be added to the EORI number if a company has more premises. How will this work? Is this determined by the customs agent or does the economic operator need to make a request to customs?

It’s about qualifier X where the EORI number is the goods location. As far as we currently know, this will not be supported by Belgian customs authorities.

Is there already information available about an emergency procedure if the new system fails to work?

There will be an electronic emergency procedure, but specific information has not been published yet. 

What are the data formats?

The data formats are provided by customs. For every data element, the data format has been specified. 

What will be the day to day impact on a declarant?

There will be differences in data elements to provide on a customs declaration, with more and/or different data to provide compared to what’s being done today. This will require internal readjustment of the ERP systems in order to ensure that the data is provided correctly.