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Returned Goods Relief & Temporary Admission

How to avoid payment of customs duty and VAT




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Returned Goods Relief & Temporary Admission webinar slides.


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White paper: Returned Goods Relief

Download our free Returned Goods Relief white paper explaining the conditions and legal obligations of obtaining RGR and the benefits to your business.

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Video: Claim Returned Goods Relief

Avoid paying customs duty and VAT with RGR.



White paper: Special Procedures: Your Insider Guide

Manage the complexities of Special Procedures to facilitate trade and save on duty costs of imported goods.


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E-book: 5 ways you can save on import duty

Understand the significant economic benefits for companies using Customs Special Procedures.


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Bijzondere douaneregelingen: uw insidergids

Om de economische activiteit te bevorderen, bieden veel landen de mogelijkheid om douanerechten te schorsen of op te heffen door gebruik te maken van bijzondere douaneregelingen.

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How to claim preferential treatment and avoid customs duties with Returned Goods Relief for EU goods returning to the EU.

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Webinar Slides

Returned Goods Relief & Temporary Admission webinar slides.


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White paper: Returned Goods Relief

Download our free Returned Goods Relief white paper explaining the conditions and legal obligations of obtaining RGR and the benefits to your business.

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Video: Claim Returned Goods Relief

Avoid paying customs duty and VAT with RGR.



White paper: Special Procedures: Your Insider Guide

Manage the complexities of Special Procedures to facilitate trade and save on duty costs of imported goods.


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E-book: 5 ways you can save on import duty

Understand the significant economic benefits for companies using Customs Special Procedures.


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Bijzondere douaneregelingen: uw insidergids

Om de economische activiteit te bevorderen, bieden veel landen de mogelijkheid om douanerechten te schorsen of op te heffen door gebruik te maken van bijzondere douaneregelingen.

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How to claim preferential treatment and avoid customs duties with Returned Goods Relief for EU goods returning to the EU.

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Frequently asked questions

All your questions answered by our speakers and C4T experts!

You mention Irish Revenue confirmed CAS is suitable for RGR, what about for other EU countries?

It is possible that the CAS Special Procedures module will also satisfy RGR requirements for other Member States, however in practice it has only been confirmed by the Republic of Ireland. 

If re-export is happening to other parts of the Union does the importer need to pay VAT as the party that is importing to the EU which is not the same party as exporting from the EU?

Yes, if they are not the same legal entity. If the exporter and the importer are not the same legal entity, the re-importer has to pay import VAT. Note: how you account for VAT depends on import VAT accounting processes within the individual Member State, whether they allow for postponed VAT accounting or similar. 

Sometimes HMRC can extend time limits to more than three years for RGR. Does it require any special authorisation and if it does, how should it be obtained?

Yes, if you are importing outside of the 3-year limit, you need to apply, and that’s to an organisation called NIRU (National Import Reliefs Unit) within HMRC.  

Requests for a waiver of the requirement to return goods no later than 3 years after the date of their export should be sent to the National Import Reliefs Unit together with: 

  • the circumstances of their request that have been specified 

  • why a claimant considers such a waiver would be reasonable, with regard to the specified circumstances 

Is it export declaration AND INF3 or export declaration OR INF3.

You need both the export declaration and the INF3 document to be eligible for RGR to be able to provide the documentary evidence.

Is a change of packaging and/or packaging labelling considered any kind of treatment?

No, that’s most probably fine. It’s all about effectively enhancing or increasing the value of the product that is mainly considered as treatment. Repackaging and labelling shouldn’t be an issue, as you should be able to export a large consignment and re-import bits of a consignment for which you will need to repackage and potentially relabel anyway 

What is the best process for goods coming from Italy, going to the UK and partly going to Ireland?

If you have the ability to send the original export declaration from Italy to the importer in Ireland, Returned Goods Relief would be the way to go, since it’s the easiest process (less cumbersome as to introducing Customs Warehousing or using transit) 

What is considered as an authenticated export declaration?

A copy of the EAD or an electronic version of that document. Some Member States still require a document stamped by the customs authorities.  

For FMCG where the batch numbers are not recorded on the original EU export, how can we show that these particular goods were exported?

In lots of areas within customs controls, whether in the UK or the EU, there is an acceptance of things like FIFO (First In First Out) or accounting segregation. And if you look at origin legislation, accounting segregation is allowed for. So there is an argument to be made that says ‘I’m going to have to have an exhaustion account of the stock I’ve exported and I need to be downdating it on a First In First Out basis’. But it’s a difficult one. 

Do I need customs warehousing in order to use the RGR process?

No, not at all, customs warehousing is a different procedure. We just wanted to show how RGR and customs warehousing can work together really nicely 

When does a trader need to register with NIRU? Is it only when they use simplified procedures at the border?

The NIRU registration is about the simplified process where you’re applying not to have to have all the evidence of export available at the border. NIRU also needs to be contacted when you are importing outside of the 3-year limit as specified in one of the above questions.  

Given you’re able to claim RGR for three years after the original shipment, are you able to claim RGR if a shipment came from the EU to the UK in December 2020 and was shipped back to the EU in 2021 and what documentation would be needed?

There were some descriptions of that kind of process right at the beginning of Brexit, with time limits mentioned:  ‘Goods transported from the UK which were in the EU on 31 December 2020, will be eligible for relief even if the normal three-year time limit for re-importation has expired.  To claim this relief for goods which do not meet the normal three-year time limit, you must re-import these items back to Great Britain by 30 June 2022 and meet the other conditions for Returned Goods Relief. You’ll only need to show that the goods were in the UK at some point before 31 December 2020 and were in the EU on that date.

My company supplies uniforms supplied from the UK. Sometimes I have to return items, so I need to know what documentation I need to return.

If you want to claim RGR in the UK when you return the goods, you will need the original export declarations out of the UK. It may be simpler for your supplier to act as an importer in the UK - you do, however, need to be aware of the inability of an importer to recover import VAT in the UK if they are not the owner of the goods.

Can RGR be applied when goods were exported to country A, then re-exported to country B and are now returning from country B?

Yes, RGR is a valid process to be used in that case.

Can items be imported into the UK using RGR if the items are EU goods sent temporarily to the UK for rental purpose?

No, RGR is not appropriate for this type of import. You might have to import to free circulation or examine whether Temporary Admission might apply. This depends on the individual circumstances.

What happens when we have faulty goods that needs to be returned under warranty and I cannot locate the original import docs?

You then need to consider the Repair article within the Trade & Cooperation Agreement (if this is a UK/EU movement), which requires the use of OP and IP to work.

Is specific traceability and batch-control an absolute requirement of RGR?

As long as you have controls in place to guard against “over claiming” First In/First Out should be acceptable, but you may need to clear this with the customs authority concerned.

How to file import declaration without paying any duty on returns goods?

You need to have the original export evidence to hand and use the correct Customs Procedure Code. There may also be the need to complete a separate “claim” form.

Is it possible to request drawbacks for goods returned for not being sold?

Yes it is possible to apply for RGR for goods not being sold. There are also options available to reclaim paid duties, but that will be a manual, document based process.

I would like to know the CPC code to use either for import in the UK and for export from the UK.

You can see all required CPC codes on slide 26 of our presentation.

How does RGR and Outward Processing align? An example is exporting an owned or customer asset for repair or calibration.

Repair is indeed one of the options of Outward Processing procedures. In that case, duties will have to be paid on the cost of repair.  

An exception is trade between EU and GB, in that case no duties will have to be paid at all for repairs under Outward Processing procedures. 

Returned Goods Relief, by re-importing the goods in the state they were exported under Outward Processing is also possible. In that case there are no duties to be paid. 

Could you list the goods that can exceed the three year British return time limit?

A list can be found here under ‘normal time limits for returning goods’:  

What is the return procedure for materials without a unique serial number? For example small spare parts.

Most countries will allow the use of FIFO (First In First Out) in such cases. A full audit trail and stock management will be needed. CAS offers that possibility. 

I understand that the examples discussed by the speakers cover the EU goods being exported to non-EU and then re-imported to the EU. Does this cover the opposite scenario?

The opposite scenario, importing in the EU and re-exporting to non-EU, is covered by the Temporary Admission procedure. 

Another ‘opposite’ scenario, is the GB goods being exported to GB and then re-imported to GB. That is also possible; Returned Goods Relief is also a possibility in UK. 

Can you request a repayment of import duties when goods are exported which have been imported earlier but as a "normal import" instead of "under temporary admission"?

We are not aware of this possibility.  

Check with customs authorities if they offer the possibility of a refund. 

I get RGR for UK business, but what about the duty and VAT paid in the EU? How can this be reclaimed by the customer/UK company (if DDP)?

If the goods were not of GB preference, so import duties paid in EU, there will be very limited possibilities to reclaim those duties. 

What's the core difference between the RGR and Temporary Admission (apart from the requirement of the authorisation)? How can I assess when RGR is appropriate and when TA?

RGR is about goods returned, re-imported after being exported. TA is about goods being re-exported after being imported. 

Another difference is that TA is only allowed for a limited type of goods. 

The goods applicable for RGR are exported with the goal to be used and consumed. It’s already goods that are in free circulation in for example the UK. With temporary admission, you import goods that or not intended to be released into free circulation or consumed. They will be reexported again. The best example is the audio equipment for a music festival.

The condition stating that the goods must be in the same condition/state upon reimportation also implies a form of identifiability. Most goods have unique serial numbers that make proof easy. But what about textile goods that do not have unique serial numbers? These have SKUs, but the same five shoes or t-shirts can be exported. How can a 1-to-1 relationship be demonstrated with the original export if one or more are returned?

Most countries will allow the use of FIFO (First In First Out) in such cases. Full audit trail and stock management will be needed. CAS offers that possibility. 

For an export from the UK to EU, is 2300 the best CPC code to be used for declaring RGR?

You can see all required CPC codes on slide 26 of our presentation.

If you significantly change the sales packaging of a product is there a point at which it will impact the use of RGR?

Customs legislation is not very explicit about what is exactly possible and what is the exact point where RGR wouldn’t apply anymore.

When CAS raises an export declaration, let's say from the EU, and then it raises an import declaration (RGR CPC) - your system creates a link. How about if an export declaration is raised not in CAS but provided by the exporter independently, as Incoterms are FCA? Your system won't link it in this case?

CAS offers to possibility of what is called a retroactive declaration, it is a declaration that was done outside of CAS, but the data is still registered in CAS. In that case all the linking and audit-trail will be available. 

In the example the export declaration would then be entered in CAS as a retroactive declaration. 

How do you apply for Temporary Admission via HMRC as it’s not clear?

You can apply for TA to HMRC following the instructions here:  

This is all based on shipments having documents on export. Most of our parcel shipments leave as free goods and parcel carriers make documents for them. How do you then close the audit trail since parcel carriers don't share their proof of exit most of the time?

There are 2 options: 

  • You can ingest the export declarations as a previous document code

  • Using CAS, your carriers don't need to create the documents anymore as we create the export document (EAD, SAD, TSAD) with the customs authorities themselves. In this case, you have the full audit trail from start to end.

If RGR is the opposite process to TA (that's how I understand this now), can a UK entity claim RGR on the import of the returnable packaging (containing the goods) if the EU entity who sends the goods in then claims RGR on importing them back to the EU empty?

If I understand the question correctly, goods are being exported to UK from EU, and then packaging re-imported in the EU. RGR can indeed apply to that empty packaging.