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The Power of Self-Filing



I'm ready to discover customs automation


Webinar Slides

Power up your customs strategy and take control with self-filing. Download the webinar slides.


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Self-filing vs representation

Discover the cost comparison of using a customs intermediary versus a digital software solution like CAS.


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Case study: Agristo

Read how Agristo were able to use CAS to support their rapidly expanding export operations.


Read the customer story

Customer story: Aldi

Read how Aldi were able to provide visibility and automation across their supply chain. Saving time without sacrificing quality. 


Read the customer story

Customer story: Radium Foam

Seamless compliant customs declarations implemented in record quick time.


Read the full customer story

Customer story: Honda

Read how Honda gained full visibility of customs and trade data with a fully automated insourced declaration process.


Read Honda's Customer story

Customer story: Yakima Chief

Yakima Chief was using agents and customs brokers to lodge declarations on their behalf. To maintain their commitment to customer service, Yakima Chief felt it was time to move on to the digital era.


Read the customer story

Webinar Slides

Power up your customs strategy and take control with self-filing. Download the webinar slides.


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Self-filing vs representation

Discover the cost comparison of using a customs intermediary versus a digital software solution like CAS.


download whitepaper

Case study: Agristo

Read how Agristo were able to use CAS to support their rapidly expanding export operations.


Read the customer story

Customer story: Aldi

Read how Aldi were able to provide visibility and automation across their supply chain. Saving time without sacrificing quality. 


Read the customer story

Customer story: Radium Foam

Seamless compliant customs declarations implemented in record quick time.


Read the full customer story

Customer story: Honda

Read how Honda gained full visibility of customs and trade data with a fully automated insourced declaration process.


Read Honda's Customer story

Customer story: Yakima Chief

Yakima Chief was using agents and customs brokers to lodge declarations on their behalf. To maintain their commitment to customer service, Yakima Chief felt it was time to move on to the digital era.


Read the customer story

Frequently asked questions

All your questions answered by our speakers and C4T experts!

You mention that we would save money when taking customs in-house. But how then, since the software does also cost a big amount of money I assume?

As we mentioned in the example, it’s a matter of having an overview of your broker costs and looking at the amount of declarations you are lodging, and then you can build that business case. On average we see a 40% to 80% cost saving, based on an analysis we have done on our customer base. Within the example, there was already a €150.000 cost saving for only 6.000 declarations, so that speaks for itself.

We are convinced this is the way forward, but need to get buy-in internally. Do you have tips on how to do that?

Some recommendations from our side:

  • Involving the IT and finance departments as soon as possible in the process. Make sure procurement is aware of this going on. Don’t stay on your own island of the customs team, but involve the people that are needed to make the decision. Be aware of the decision makers in your company

  • Build a solid business case by looking into the data of how much declarations your doing, how much your spending currently.

What is the main benefit to self-filing as opposed to using a 3rd party broker?

The most interesting part is not only about cost savings and compliance, but it’s about taking control of your own business again. If we talk to prospects, we see that their declarations filed by brokers are not always optimised: valuation that is not correctly calculated, they are overpaying duties, doing Inward Processing in a non-compliant way with the risk of getting fines. For us, the main benefit next to the savings and compliance is to be able to take control back over your own data and your own system and owning the process again.

What are the 3 take-aways about the power of self-filing?
  1. The compliance part. Brokers are not always lodging compliant declarations. Take responsibility yourself and own the process.

  2. Self-filing gives you the opportunity to go more in-depth on customs processes. You can use the time that you free up to work on other cases like preferential treatment, looking into your potential for Special Procedures.

  3. You have a future-build solution. With all the migrations of customs systems and all the digitisation going on. The EU wants to have a Customs Data Hub where you have all your data readily available in one datacenter. By doing self-filing, you prepare yourself for the future.